Click here to find the doctrines of the Lutheran Church-Missouri Synod
We believe that the church is a hospital for sinners. We are here to help people develop spiritually-healthy practices such as being in God's Word and receiving Holy Communion. We do not discriminate according to race for all people are on the same level ground around the cross of Jesus. We do want people to allow God to turn them from their sin prior to attending Holy Communion.
We believe that God wants one man and one woman to be united in the sacred act of Biblical Marriage.
We believe that God is the Creator of the universe with all of its grandeur and beauty and that He sustains it with His almighty power. He also created our first parents, Adam and Eve, in His own image so that they might live in fellowship with Him and be His instruments to care for His creation.
We believe that Adam and Eve, whom God created, doubted and rebelled against Him. They sinned and their natures became evil. Now every human being is born with a self-centered nature and a tendency for evil that violates God's will. Attempts to change human nature or to please God with our own good are doomed to failure. People need forgiveness and new life, and God provides it through His grace. 
We believe that God out of pure love, gives people forgiveness of sins and thus reconciles them to Himself. He does this even though He is a just God who punishes sin because His own Son, Jesus Christ, took the punishment for all sin for all people upon Himself when He died on the cross of Calvary. God raised Him from the dead on Easter and thus demonstrates to the world that the sacrifice of the Lamb of God has been accepted and man's sin paid for. 
We believe that people who have faith in Jesus as Lord receive forgiveness through His life, death and resurrection. Faith is the hand which receives God's free gift. Faith is created by the Holy Spirit through the means of the Gospel, and infant baptism is the means by which a child is given a new life and received into God's kingdom. 
We believe that the Bible is the source of knowledge about God and His forgiveness and is also the way in which He speaks to us today. The Bible was written by the inspiration of the Holy Spirit and so is true and without error. 
We believe that the church is the fellowship of all those who have come to faith in Jesus Christ as their Savior and Lord. The Lutheran Church gets its name from Martin Luther who "reformed" the church with basic principles of faith alone, grace alone, and Scripture alone. The purpose of the church is to nurture faith through the Word of God and the Sacrament of the Altar, and to share the love of God through His Word and deeds motivated by God's grace. He wants His people to reach out into the whole world (which may be in our home or the person living next to us) in order to make other people disciples of Jesus Christ.
We believe that God has given two Sacraments to build His church: Baptism to create faith, and Holy Communion (also called the Lord's Supper or the Eucharist) to nurture faith. In Holy Communion Jesus Christ gives the communicant His body and blood "in, with, and under" the bread and wine.
We believe that the fellowship which God establishes with His believers on earth will continue after this life, as believers live with Him in heaven for all eternity.